Rental Process @ FIDU Properties | Real Estate Broker |
Decide on an area:

The first step in the process is to decide which area in Dubai you want to rent a property in. A multitude of factors can affect this decision - distance to schools, workplaces, nightlife, retail facilities and outdoor amenities.

Decide on a housing complex:

Once the area has been established, you also need to decide on the type of housing complex you want - this ranges from an apartment, villa, townhouse, penthouse or even a duplex. You may want an apartment in an urban setting, a seafront villa or a luxury duplex. You need to ensure the housing complex you wish to rent makes contextual sense in the area of your choosing.

Organise your finances:

One of the most important parts of renting a property is to organise your budget. Your budget will be based on what you can afford with your income. It is essential to include the cost of utilities, cable and wifi packages into the cost of the rent. If rent is paid annually, some landlords tend to offer a slight reduction in the total cost of the rent, but monthly rent may be more convenient.

Choose an agent:

The next step is to choose an agent you trust to facilitate your rental transaction. When you assign an agent from Fidu Properties to guide you, you will not be let down. Priority is always given to attaining the best deal for clients and feeling empathy for their perspectives. The expertise and trust you will experience at Fidu Properties are unrivalled.

Arrange viewings:

Clients can book numerous viewings all over Dubai at the advice of your agent. Using Fidu Properties as your agent, you will be privy to the in-house VIP concierge services and be transported to all your viewings in one of our many luxury vehicles. We will be able to provide you with a variety of properties to fit your requirements so that you can make a fully-informed decision to protect your interests.

Make an offer:

Once you’ve decided on a property you like, our agents will advise you on the method and timing with which you will make your offer. In many instances, timing is crucial and can make the difference between securing your dream rental and losing out on one.

Agreeing To Rent:

Once your rental offer has been accepted, you need to discuss a moving-in date with your landlord. Before you move in, you’ll need to set up water, electricity, wifi and cable. If you require any assistance with this step, our agents will be happy to guide you.


At Fidu, our agents will then assist you to finish the deal with the signing of the rental agreement. Once the contract is finalised, your deposit will be transferred to the landlord.

You can now move into your rental. Congratulations!

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