The Turino offers residents a rare opportunity to combine a comfortable interior and luxurious outdoor living space, packaged in modern architecture...
The Torino Gated Community is one of a kind, located off the popular Umm Suqeim Road in Arjan, near Miracle Garden. With a host of posh amenities, the project offers contemporary homes with the conveniences of modern living. Turino offers residents a rare opportunity to combine a comfortable interior and luxurious outdoor living space, packaged in modern architecture centered on sustainability.
Turino offers residents a rare opportunity to combine a comfortable interior and luxurious outdoor living space, packaged in modern architecture centered on sustainability. Through gardens, parks, and numerous luxurious amenities, the concept creates a new residential destination that celebrates modern living inside the apartments.
ORO24, a concept based on the Italian word for GOLD, 24 indicates its purest form, a symbol of undiluted quality. ORO24 is a forward-looking integrated company specializing in Real Estate Development, Facilities, and Investments. ORO24 creates communities and crafts lifestyles, believing that a footprint can only be engraved if we approach each project holistically. ORO24 views the world through a different lens. At ORO24, we strive to innovate in every step we take, using the latest technology. Try the ORO lens! Live a life of epic proportions!
The City Of GOLD.